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Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Volume 16, Issue 2 , 1 February 2001, Pages 73-74

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doi:10.1016/S0169-5347(00)02066-8    How to Cite or Link Using DOI (Opens New Window)  
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Other mothers’ ducklings–why look after them?

Tomas RoslinE-mail The Corresponding Author

Available online 6 February 2001.

Author Keywords: Brood parasitism; Kin selectionnext term; Alternative breeding tactics

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Not all female animals look after their own young and the attention devoted to their own offspring varies enormously among species. But even within species with well-developed female parental care, certain females might choose an alternative breeding tactic and leave their offspring in the care of others. Such brood parasitism is particularly common in ducks, where some females (‘hosts’) often receive eggs laid by other females (‘parasites’) of the same species. But why would a female accept someone else's responsibilities? After all, taking care of another female's chicks can sap the caretaker's strength and increase her exposure to predators. Several ideas have been proposed to solve this puzzle, ranging from the simple notion that females might not be able to discriminate between her own offspring and those of others, to the hypothesis that a female might actually enhance the survival of her own progeny by accepting offspring of others. An intriguing idea is that parasites and hosts could be related. As relatives share some of their genes, the costs paid by a host female might be counterbalanced by the propagation of her own genes through the offspring of her related parasite. Although the general importance of ‘kin selection’ was proposed by W.D. Hamilton in the 1960s, and its potential role in the evolution of brood parasitism was identified by Malte Andersson in the early 1980s, this idea still remains a matter of hot debate.

Malte Andersson and Matti Åhlund now present evidence [1 and 2] in favour of the kin selection hypothesis. As a part of a long-term field study on goldeneye ducks (Bucephala clangula), they drew albumen samples from nearly a 1000 eggs, without harming the developing chicks. As the albumen is secreted by specialized cells in the oviduct of the egg-laying female, this method is equal to sampling the female herself. Analysis of the protein contents of the albumen revealed that host and parasite were indeed often related, their average relatedness approximately that of first cousins. What is more, this relatedness did not emerge as a passive by-product of related individuals aggregating in the same area, but apparently through the active recognition of kin. In their daily activities, female goldeneye ducks were more likely to occur together with their old birth nest mates than with other females, and these pairs lasted longer than did pairs of other goldeneye ducks. Hence, old nest mates seemed to recognize each other in the field, and females parasitized their birth nest mates more often than would be expected by chance alone.

This study not only suggests that the relatedness among individuals is a crucial factor in the evolution of brood parasitism in ducks and other species with related females breeding in the same area., but it also shows brood parasitism in a new light: as an active strategy based on social interactions and recognition of kin. Ultimately, it leads us to ask whether the female dumping her eggs in the nest of another female should even be labelled as a ‘parasite’–perhaps the foster female actually benefits from looking after next-door's kids?

© Jan Uddén


1. M. Andersson and M. Åhlund, Host–parasite relatedness shown by protein fingerprinting in a brood parasitic bird. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 97 (2000), pp. 13188–13193. Abstract-EMBASE | Abstract-Elsevier BIOBASE   | Full Text via CrossRef

2. Andersson, M. and Åhlund, M. Protein fingerprinting: A new technique reveals extensive conspecific brood parasitism. Ecology (in press).

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Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Volume 16, Issue 2 , 1 February 2001, Pages 73-74

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